
Round tables and workshops

Round tables and workshops to get information and benefit from experience feedbacks

High-level round tables, in French and English, with the best European experts who will give an update on the market, the opportunities and the prospects in the current economic context.


Round tables

1 - Drones in the service of the protection of the population, events, sites and natural areas

How can drones save lives? Drones and current events: what function for forest fires and building hazards? What evolution for the drone for good?

Speakers : 

  • Nicolas BILLECOQ - Directeur général Azur Drones
  • Stéphane MOREAU - Directeur projet innovations techniques Domofrance
  • Capitaine ISNER - Chef de service cartographique référent drones SDIS 33
  • Audrey PANN - Product line manager drones Thales
  • Christophe LACAZE - Responsable technique UAS Scalian

Day: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Time: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Place: Amphitheatre C


2 - BVLOS in danger?

Long-range drones: how to train and carry out operational missions? Update on BVLOS regulations.

Speakers : 

  • Romain BEVILLARD - Adjoint au directeur du programme drones DSAC/DP drones
  • Farah LUU - UAS project manager
  • Éric MATYSIAK - CEO Asman Technology
  • Christel SEGUIN - Ingénieur de recherche ONERA

Day: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Place: Amphitheatre C


3 - Drones for maritime use

Less known than aerial drones, drones for maritime use are in full development. Update on the current situation and its possibilities.

Speakers : 

  • Alexandre LUCZKIEWICZ - Directeur du développement technologique et réglementaire du cluster maritime Français
  • Charles LESIRE - Directeur de recherche ONERA
  • Marc LÉGER - Sous directeur de la sécurité et de la transition écologique des navires
  • Jean-Damien BERGERON - Directeur des opérations ABYSSA

Day: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time: 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Place: Amphitheatre C


4 - Drones strategic vision 2035

Passenger and large freight transport, vertiport: what feedback from the Olympic Games and what projection in 10 years?

Speakers :

  • Michel PINET - Chargé de mission surveillance réseau GRT GAZ
  • Simon DRESCHEL - Président du directoire/CEO aéroport Mérignac
  • Fabien CUZIEUX - Directeur du programme drones ONERA
  • Olivier RIGOLLET - Directeur drones advanced program Thales
  • Laurent BERTIEAUX - Satcom marketing Thales

Day: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time: 14:00 a.m.-15:30 p.m.

Place: Amphitheatre C



Innov’ATM, the arrival of U-spaces in France and the transformation of medical transport

The arrival of U-spaces is a turning point for the drone industry. It will open the door to regular, more complex drone operations, and flying over populated areas will pose new challenges. The healthcare sector could be one of the first to benefit from the advantages of U-space. What is the role of a U-space service provider (USSP) in this new environment? What are the opportunities for professional telepilots and their businesses? Is medical delivery by drone a reality? The answers to these questions will be addressed during this workshop led by Amine Karray, co-founder of Innov'ATM.

Speaker: Amine KARRAY

Employment: CEO of Innov’ATM

Day: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hour: 10:00am - 11:00am

Place: Room E1

Language: French

Thales : Safe & Secure long range drone operations

Regulation for drone operations is fast moving and we can now anticipate that long range operations will be possible even over sparsely or populated areas. This will be a new frontier that will open the possibility for a wide range of new applications such as industrial inspections of entire rail or pipeline networks or the surveillance of particular areas. In the aerial domain where there is no compromise on safety and security, this means that key industrial players have and will develop the very advanced technology to match with the high level of safety requirement for automated flight in a very compact form. In this conference, the last key steps of the regulations, the associated technical challenges and the long-range drone operations it will enable in the near future.

Speaker: Olivier RIGOLLET

Employment: Directeur de programme drone

Day: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hour: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Language: English

Place: Room H

Onera : Risk analysis for the preparation of long-distance missions, DROSERA tool

This workshop, proposed by ONERA, Altametris and RTE, will focus on long-distance missions and their preparation. The focus will be on ground risk analysis, in relation to the implementation of the SORA approach. In particular, the DROSERA tool for assessing the ground risks of drone missions will be presented, and its operation illustrated using examples of drone missions.

Speakers: Sylvain BERTRAND, ONERA / Nicolas RABALLAND, ONERA / Alexis MENESES, Altametris / Philippe BERNON, RTE

Day: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hour: 11:00am-12:00pm

Place: Room E2

Artechdrone : Vector aircraft and his innovations

Speaker: Arnaud GILOTIN

Day: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hour: 09:30a.m. - 10:30a.m.

Place: Room E1

Language : French

Thales : Presentation of two concrete use cases of the safe integration of UAS in the airspace
  • Deployment of a communication and surveillance infrastructure to manage drone traffic and ensure deconfliction with manned traffic for flights operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight in several states of the Unites States as part of the Vantis project.
  • Management of the first BVLOS corridor in Paris area thourgh a collaborative work with French Authorities and the Centre d’Excellence Drone d’Ile de France. This corridor enables test flights in real operational environment and support aerial mobility demonstration, especially for the Paris Olympic Games of 2024.

Speakers: Anaelle LE MENTEC - UTM & Digital Aviation Product Line Manager / Farah LUU - Chef de projet UTM

Day: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hour: 11.00a.m. - 12.00a.m.

Language : English

Place: Room E2

Stratomaps : Which Map Data and Geospatial Services for BVLOS Flights?

This workshop will focus on which data can be used to help planning and executing BVLOS drone flights. We will explore various approaches to define a UAV map with the goal of minimizing both ground and airborne risks when computing a route. In particular, we will review how several ground feature types and datasets can be leveraged and highlight the potential benefits of each of them. Key services such as routing algorithms for drones and geo-awareness will be demonstrated within a specific test zone near Bordeaux.

Speaker: Yves MONTALIEU

Employment: Founder

Day: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hour: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Language: French/English

Place: Room E1

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